Friday, December 31, 2010

Yellowish Sticky Discharge On Underwear

speculos Log on crunchy praline

A dessert made unanimously at Christmas.
I am inspired by a recipe from the book "Delights in relief" by Guy Demarle , and I used the cake pan Tunisian Flexipan to achieve this log for 12 people.
For a better hold of silicone mold, put it in a cardboard box approximately the same size (kind shoebox or box .....) TUPP
Ingredients for Crunchy:
80 g white chocolate
200 g pralinoise (Poulain)
125 g pancakes Lace (gavottes)
Ingredients for the custard to spéeculos:
35 cl of milk
3 egg yolks 80 g sugar
10 g gelatin (5 leaves 2 g) 140 g
35 cl of cream liquid to 30 or 35% fat
10 g coffee extract that I replaced with a spoonful of nutella
Make Melt the white chocolate and pralinoise in a water bath, add the crumbled lace pancakes. Spread on a plate the size of your mold. Keep refrigerated.
Meanwhile, prepare the custard to speculos. Rehydrate the gelatin in a bowl of cold water. Boil the milk. In a bowl, beat the egg yolks and sugar and pour the hot milk gradually, stirring constantly. Pour into saucepan and Cook the custard from 12 to 15 minutes at 85 °. Remove from heat, add the drained gelatine, the speculos crumbs and mix everything. Cool the cream. Mount
the cream, gently fold the cream speculos. Take about 3 tablespoons of the cream and add the coffee extract or nutella. Sprinkle bottom of pan with the cream colored and smooth with a spatula. Put a few minutes in the freezer to freeze the ground, then pour the remaining mousse into the mold. Finish by placing the crunchy praline. Put at least 5 hours in the freezer. This cake can be done the day before, it is enough to unmold onto a serving plate at least 4 hours at room temperature. Decorate as desired.


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