Friday, March 4, 2011

Symptoms Of Allergic Reaction To Eyebrow Wax

Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow *

* William Shakespeare - Macbeth Acte5, scène5, 19-28.

It is an old parable drawn from the inexhaustible traditionalist legacy of the East, which tells the story of two arrant knaves that surplus enemies, ended each of his side by getting caught, judged and condemned by law to be hung up and runs until death ensues. But the unpredictable

chanced that our two villains found themselves nose to nose fateful day in front of the cart which will lead to the scaffold.

At the officer in charge asked them who by custom if they had any last wish to express, one of the two rogues answered

_ I would like to review one last time, my poor mother.

And another to intervene:

_ And I ask that prevents him from seeing her this is my ultimate desire.

Peace to your memory Ernest Renan , stranger from the West, which has managed to expose the bottom of the Lebanese much better they would never do it themselves, and this in short lines prophetic scribbled there is more than a century.

And yours Georges Naccache who cried in 1949 from its high journalistic forum that "two negations do not make a nation", with one return, the echo of his voice in the wilderness.

During my dog's life, I had so often to see the sad case of the Lebanese rejoice in the misfortune of other Lebanese, or at best if not caring desperately, that I became impossible to hear mention the quote-worship of his late holiness JOHN PAUL II PP servants of God, on Lebanon would be "a great message more than a country "without it provokes in me an uncontrollable laughter.

Thousand Scuse Zanetto million because I had you rather good with your good old wrinkled mug of Nestle Baby-expired, and then you at least you seemed to believe , unlike all your Schutzstaffel successor and it's important. Then from behind your harp on your white cloud, you excuses a poor fisherman, who could not detect where you saw a''message''that an infamous Satanic emulsion made of immiscible elements, and impossible stabilize without intervention of an external heavy boots studded capable of crushing the necks steepest.

Today, the earth trembles around us.

They are masters of the world who are spring cleaning in their fiefs and vassals overlords fall one after another, waiting to be replaced in a timely manner by other, less compromising and more performance.

But the game is dangerous because the animal (the people) has tasted blood, and the price exacted in this part of the world by the West, which sees itself as the only worthy heir while Cleisthenes the others are just good for the law or Pizarro Cortes, can derail at any time.

Blinded by their technological superiority made and rampant materialism, which overrides any human value, the masters of the world may find themselves facing a tidal wave coming from the east as they no longer had from Poitiers.

True to themselves, the Lebanese, gnawed to the marrow by the stupidity, corruption and fanaticism blind remain unaware of the transformation taking place around them, their only concern resident in the accusatory instrument Upcoming International tribunal for Lebanon ( But in fact, was for what crime? anyone remember this?) and waiting for some to see Ventôse delivered before 14, hoping that its content enough to reinvigorate a moribund power which purchased cattle to the North and Akkar and dumped by bus barcodes on D-Day on the square P is no longer enough.

But behind this facade tragi-comic, it is the southern borders where the enemy lurks the sinister, the most cruel and sinister that is, the more he is injured, facing the Forest missiles Allah lies the great danger.

Karbala cons Masada, with centuries of history to confirm the suicidal nature of the two antagonists. Especially since one is already short of air, choked by the cord which encircles International neck every day a little more, while the other, while battered politically and militarily it is not preserved not less intact nuclear claws. So

that do? As written already shown bearded.

Ben get back to the Divine ! Answer as any bearded from us.

In this case, a small volunteer board and without ulterior motive is obvious:

In addressing the very top, it is highly recommended to call him by his Quranic names of which there are eighty- nineteen.

Sawn burst, even by a novice, it is quite possible that one of them makes fly.

Ibrahim Tyan.