Sunday, July 25, 2010

Isabella Soprano Of Hbo

P. 259. John Joseph Moussaron, Righteous Among the Nations

Bishop Moussaron (BCFYV / DR).

Recognition Ceremony
the Archbishop of Albi, Castres and Lavaur
under occupation

Report of Albert Seifer, Executive Committee French for Yad Vashem:

- "Sunday, July 4, 2010 at 11am in the Salle des Etats Albigenses of City Hall took place the ceremony of the medal of the Righteous, posthumously, in the presence of Philippe Bonnecarrère Mayor Albi, Shmuel Sivan Israeli consul in Marseille, and Dr. Albert Seifer, Delegate Regional French Committee for Yad Vashem. In the absence of family members of Bishop Moussaron, the honor fell to Bishop Square, Archbishop of Albi, to receive the Medal of the Righteous and the honorary diploma awarded to his courageous predecessor.

As usual, Mr Bonnecarrère made a fine speech, without notes, recalling the dangerous context of this dark time in our history.

Then Dr. Albert Seifer explained what assistance Yad Vashem, recalled the raids of the Vel d'Hiv 16 and July 17, 1942, those "free zone" of 26 August 1942 and told how it was hidden and saved and 82 Jewish children in the convent of Our Lady of Massip Capdenac thanks to Monsignor Jules Geraud Saliege, archbishop of Toulouse, Companion of the Liberation and future cardinal, and its network.

Shmuel Sivan, Israeli consul in Marseilles explained the saving role of the Righteous in France who helped spare the lives of three quarters of the Jews of France. Dr. Albert Seifer recalled how through the intervention of Sister Marie Suzanne (Bondurand Simone, Righteous Among the Nations) placed Bishop Moussaron each family member Zenatti in four different monasteries (three in the Tarn and the fourth in Perpignan) .

Then came the presentation of the Medal of the Righteous and the diploma of honor of Bishop Moussaron, posthumously, but the portrait was indeed present on the dais and reflected the goodness, to his current successor Bishop Square whose department will be located next to Montpellier.
Ms. Dreyfus
Haas born (a very honorable family of Albi) testified emotionally and told how she was received regularly at the table of Bishop Moussaron Sunday, when she was an intern at the College of Réalmont. "

Father Matthew:

- " Three major reasons were to obtain this medal: in the first, following the Cardinal and Bishop Theas Saliège, protest against the arrest and deportation of Jews that were made in disregard of any respect for the human, often separating families. Second, its action for schools that had a boarding school, college and Catholic high schools, convents and monasteries welcome Jews (16 places). Thirdly, his arrest by the Gestapo in 1944 and his detention in the Prison St. Michel de Toulouse. "
( Catholic Church in the Tarn ).

Snapshot ceremony.
From left to right.: P. Mathieu, Shmuel Sivan Israeli Consul in Marseille, Bishop Square, Archbishop of Albi Albert Seifer, Delegate of the French Committee for Yad Vashem (Dr. C. Gordon / BCFYV / DR).

Charles Le Bourgeois

- "It is only fair to report that to give him this medal, even if the rewards on earth are not equivalent to those of heaven," said Claude Zenatti , a former refugee who describes "being protected" during the war by Bishop Moussaron. Which was considered a supporter of Marshal Petain, because of the respect he had power in place. But never together. "
( Cross , July 1, 2010).

Letter of John Joseph, Archbishop of Albi, Castres and Lavaur:

- "Circumstances beyond our control we were not allowed to tell you sooner the pain we have caused the deportation measures taken recently against the Israelites fled to France.
If in our department have been applied with equal correctness and delicacy that it is possible to put in such a case, in many parts of the territory it has witnessed scenes very painful. Women were separated from their husbands, children their parents. religion and humanity can only protest against this violation of the sacred rights of the human person and the family and the ignorance of the divine law of charity.
And no one sees our floor for the infringement of the loyalty we owe to the Government and we have consistently recommended. The Government is not involved. Far from taking the initiative for these measures as contrary to the French tradition than the Christian spirit, he has suffered as a consequence of defeat. Moreover, his work is to serve as relief to state, at a time when Catholics might even forget the principles which are enshrined in the Gospel, the Church has always defended and without which there is no true civilization. Pray God, our dear brothers, to give to France soon and the world better days when men, whatever their race, their country will recognize each other and treat each other as brothers.
(September 20, 1942).



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