Thursday, November 12, 2009

How To Wear Suspenders With Jeans

In the wind of history.

It is said that towards the beginning of the 60s' of last century, the first thing required Charles De Gaulle when he arrived for the inauguration of the annual ball artists, was to be introduced to Brigitte Bardot!

It then saw the beautiful full reward be swooning by the illustrious character of most ceremonious of hand kissing, and a magnificent and solemn tribute held roughly as follows:''Madam , you can consider me among your admirers. At a

Michel Debre that deadpan laugh would subsequently asked the general how many films that BB did well last seen, the large unperturbed allegedly responded: NO! But anyone able to return annually to the French treasury more currencies that factories Renault, certainly entitled to my admiration.''

Like the famous Veni Vidi Vinci lent to Julius Caesar, or the state is me attributed to Louis XIV, the historicity of this anecdote on Great Charles finally unimportant, given the accuracy with which the quintessence of the character is shown with all the versatility and Boll Weasel a pragmatic nature and complex, albeit hidden under a veil of strict monolithic mystifying.

Today, after the breakup of the Soviet empire and the current entry on the scene of its former European satellites, but also with the reunification - to the dismay of its allies''Westerners''- a Germany no longer needs them to justify the legality of his face counterfeiting East German, much more that remains of Assumptions and Gaullist dreams, and France has not the force required to organize itself a new European balance, has little choice other than a difficult partnership with United States, was not only to safeguard its policy of Franco-German cooperation.

Ironically, the last memories still adhering to the universal unconscious Fifth Republic a halo of radiation de Gaulle, that France should now be able to deceive even - it was purely lyrical - a effective power in a world ruled by a''new order''whose leadership was almost absolute and arbitrary firmly cornered by the United States.

Montreal 1967; from the balcony of the Hotel de Ville, the imposing old man came from the old continent with the intention of grasping the historical process round the body, knocked to the masses of Quebecers in delirium One of the most sensational hits of his extraordinary career by proclaiming the height of his vocal cords frayed with age and worn by decades of heavy use of Corporal ordinary Vive le Quebec free!

Was this a premeditated action with historical motivations defined as some claim, or simply''an act of madness free''as later wrote a Georges Pompidou?

Who knows!

Beirut 2006, standing behind the backstop in the middle of the Place des Martyrs, the Emir of the Mountain deployed his slender frame Nosferatienne before moving headlong into a strange path whose problematic issues s' avérèrent then equally unknown to him than the rest of the hordes spilled troglodytes whole by the cartload in the square that day, for the sole purpose of filling, and cheer the Bey not hear or understand.

Nailed to my TV screen, I watched with a mixture of hilarity mixed with amazement, the crescendo of delirium that rose up wildly exceeded the lines of no return.

يا بيروت بدنا ألتار
من لحود ومن بشار

''Revenge, revenge oh Beirut. From
Lahoud (the PR. Lebanese) and Bacha r (PR. Syrian)''.

To believe that history has set his sights on our Martyrs' Square on 14 Brumaire in 2006 to repeat itself as farce 's famous quote from the prophet of materialism whose thinking was immured in the vaults of the Kremlin just below the mausoleum of the''red''mummy of Lenin!

It remains there throughout the world, with fluctuations ranging from one regime to another, a force whose omnipresent and omnipotent God he himself is a part.

lot more formidable than the gross travesty of what the party Khomeinist Sparta Hizballah, that most hermetic Scottish Freemasonry and more cohesive than the Sicilian Cosa Nostra, it presents itself in Lebanon under the guise of a big league Bankers, Importers & Contractors traditionally revolve around which a galaxy of politicians and senior courtiers, clerics, and ensures complete immunity to any villain who accepts his authority and serves his purposes.

But back to our rehashed, why not seize the opportunity to form a new cabinet to go before the historical process by organizing the Royal Palace (in this case the ministerial palace) a ball of Lebanese artists under the auspices of His Highness the benevolent heir, since it is a true royal dynasty that Lebanon is now decked , which is actually a good thing since it will cease to figure as black sheep among his brothers and sisters regional. (And do not contradict me by telling me that Egypt, Syria, Libya or Tunisia are not royalty, I am vexerait.)

It would then His Highness in a gesture of kindness Royal, present tributes to Mrs Haifa Wehbe, and open it with the ball by a charming minuet on the air Bouss El-Wawa initiated by the orchestra of the palace on a tempo allegro ma non troppo.

Click to enter the royal ball.

Ibrahim Tyan.


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