Tuesday, February 24, 2009

39 Weeks Pain In Pelvic Floor

Father Christmas is a motherfucker.

As emerged from the murky depths of the Hudson, proud Babylon, displays the overwhelming arrogance of his fortress-towers of glass and steel, its technological superiority and military indisputable, and his wealth resulted in personal incomes exceeding U.S. $: 100,000 per capita (2005), before the rest of world shocked and subdued.

overwhelmed the NYPD, deals with blasé indifference trinkets routine such as theft, rape, scam, drug trafficking, prostitution, kidnapping, murder and other offenses as part the daily ritual of the cathedral of capitalism, but is forbidden to record the ever-increasing atrocities of another species such as pedophilia in all its forms, the white slave trade, the market constantly flourishing of torture and the assassination on film virtual set, and Satanic rituals leading to human sacrifice and even cannibalism.

Deep in the tropical jungle, a few hours flight from the new Metropolis, the Indians of the Amazon, the ultimate survivor of the stone age for whom Forest remains the only resource and the ultimate sanctuary, live in small splinter groups of about fifty individuals who practice self-help course, sharing and the common good.

a subculture made up of bad novels and trash the film portrayed as creatures closer to the beast of man, thirsting for blood, torture and cannibalism.

In fact, the basic scheme of these peaceful primitive ignorant hypocrisy, lying, stealing and the whole aspect of heinous crimes''qualified''by lawyers and criminologists of the civilized world, remains largely vegetarian albeit embellished the few products of hunting and fishing licenses by their rudimentary means.

contacts with civilization had still proved negative for these wild innocent, alcoholism, tuberculosis, smallpox and syphilis brought into this world by the virgin white man continues to decimate the last representatives of this breed endangered species for which a simple cold turns into a deadly epidemic.

the Middle East, in the heart of the capital of the first and final draft of genuine republic, nipped in the bud by ignorance, intolerance and corruption as well as radiation and evil covetous regional obscurantist theocracies and illiberal themselves toy world powers implacable and inhuman, a lost youth, ignorant of his past, his present unconscious and careless about its future, trying to live her youth as she can in the tiny square and what is fake downtown whose Reconstruction with billions sunk into the bottomless pit of the predator stomachs have left, and offspring, fatally indebted for generations to come.

Spared vandalism bulldozers of greed, a tiny parcel remaining historic buildings of Ottoman and European Renaissance style that made once the pride of the pearl of the Levant, showing a shameful silence and resigned their news and cutesy facade of ornate doll houses, fruit of the creative fluency of new aesthetes-mercenaries of a Lebanon that has escaped a shameful subjection to find that under the yoke of another.

The palaces of the Arabian Nights constellate a capital without water, electricity and a sewer system or decent roads, while their colossal fortunes erecting skyscrapers sky along the coastline, turning a simple view of the sea in an exclusive privilege for money men.

A few kilometers from the shangri-la golden for pimps and Croesus, an urban jungle this since the 1960s under the name of belt of misery is now far more alarming proportions, inevitable consequences caused by a system which continually growing wealth of a rich minority must result in worsening the poverty of the poor.

An abject misery and inconceivable without name or face, while generating fanaticism, and Ultracism intolérantisme ...

This dictatorship of''poor'', heirs of the NSDAP as paradoxical as the dictatorship of the proletariat ...

Or the heirs of anything, any income and able to everything ...

Or this little wolf landless or identity, but they are already in the teeth pending its final location and official territory of others.

that day, little wolf becomes strong and great, and the remnants of indigenous protesters still refractory find him to talk to.


And say there are still morons of Lebanese who still believe that fucker of a Santa Claus.

Ibrahim Tyan.


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